“…and God

saw that it was




TOV: Hebrew for Good.

Our Vision.

Glorifying God by Receiving Jesus Personally, Practicing His Ways in Everyday Life, and Giving the Love of Jesus to our Community.


We worship the Giver of all Good Gifts. Apart from Jesus, we are dead spiritually and in need of a Savior. From the moment of Salvation to Eternity with God and each moment in between, God gives and we receive. At TOV we are learning to receive all that God has given us as beloved children. We are then empowered and guided by the Holy Spirit that brings joy, peace, and most of all, new life in and through us.


Out of the abundance of what we have been given, God calls us to give the way Jesus did. We love because we have been loved, and we follow Jesus’ example of love which was giving His life away for the sake of the world. This lifestyle costs us everything, but Jesus claims that it is the only way to true life, which he calls “life to the full.” In our personal lives, marriages, families, and in the community, God is calling us to give ourselves up in love to bring renewal and restoration for God’s glory and our good.