Our Story

Dan and Leslie Turner began their role in ministry serving at Dan’s father’s church in Paw Paw Michigan. They started by assisting with worship, children’s ministry, and connecting with the congregation. As their family grew and the location changed, they took on new positions at the different churches they attended. Over the years Dan and Leslie have been involved in assisting in addiction recovery counseling, marriage counseling, vocational ministry, and conducting intensive soul care retreats. With soul care being a large focus and passion, Dan has also conducted conferences and spoken on biblical counseling. As they continued to work they were able to see firsthand how God can use the unique giftings of his children to advance the kingdom of God.

In 2022 The Turners felt a calling on their life to plant a church in West Michigan where they had been residing since 2011. They were inspired by the word Tov and the nuance of purpose, function, and intentionality that it holds. Their desired to cultivate a culture of community of empowered individuals that find their purpose in God and use their divinely appointed gifts to bless the community.